Our Instruments Maintenance team plays a pivotal role in aiding the efficient functioning of various ophthalmic equipment by implementing a regular preventive maintenance strategy. Saline spillage during cataract surgeries was affecting the durability of the foot switch of phacoemulsification machines in our operation rooms. In order to tackle this issue, Alcon suggested a simple innovative idea, where the foot switch is protected with an antistatic semi ESD safe cover. This cover does not hinder WiFi connectivity and footswitch charging. Our Instruments Maintenance team worked on this idea and came up with the cover. Unlike the normal plastic cover which is too tight and slippery, this cover is very convenient and enables smooth functioning of the switch. This low cost, simple innovation enhances the life and durability of the footswitch without compromising on serving its desired outcomes

ACEi (Aravind Centre for Innovations) Team, Pondicherry